Second transnational project meeting as part of Erasmus+ project ”Upgrade with Learner-centred Approach” took place on 06 and 07.05.2021. The meeting was organized online due to the situation with Covid-19 by Center for innovations and digital education Dig-Ed, North Macedonia. Second transnational project meeting was led by Vladimir Trajkovik, from Dig-Ed.
The meeting has started with the greetings to the participants by students from primary school “Straso Pindzur” Negotino, North Macedonia, which is one of the project partners. After that, through ice-breaking activity concerning digital education, participants had an opportunity to talk among each other and share their own experiences and ideas. Discussion about project activities and interim reports, as well as evaluation of the first TPM was carried out.
Jana Chynoradská from Harmony Academy, Slovakia has made a presentation and started a discussion about the first intellectual output – the LCA Teacher Competence Framework. Idea for development of the LCA Guidelines for primary schools by Osnovna sola Dobje, Slovenia as a continuation of Happy School 2020 was introduced to the participants and Learn & Lead Awards 2021 were also discussed during the meeting.
The second day of the meeting has started with a video about Macedonia. Members of Dig-Ed wanted to present Macedonia to project partners although the meeting was held online. During the second day of the meeting presentation of the website design and project logo by FECU Ružomberok, Slovakia was given after which all the participating partners had an opportunity to give feedback and suggestions. Discussion about the newsletters was led by Irena Zemaitaityte from Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania. At the end plan for the 3rd TPM that will take place in Osnovna sola Dobje, Slovenia and agreement about the LCA and L&L training for the summer 2021 led by FECU Ružomberok, Slovakia was made.
The online meeting has been led in a relaxing and constructive atmosphere where all participants had an opportunity to present their ideas and opinions.

За време на состанокот се разгледуваа досегашните активности: изготвувањето на компетенциите за наставници и формуларот за самооценување на наставниците. Потоа се разгледаа и разните идеи за креирање на веб сајтот на проектот. Исто така се презентираа и логоата кои ги изработија учениците за проектот. Учениците од 7 и 8 одделение од ООУ „Страшо Пинџур“ – Неготино кои се вториот партнер од нашата земја снимија видео со поздрав до учесниците на состанокот.

Adam Janiga



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