KA 203 – Upgrade with Learner-centred Approach – TPM3

At the end of September 2021 a Slovene partner school, ‘Osnovna šola Dobje’, hosted a first live transnational project meeting for the ULCA members.

Guests were greeted by students through a story of a Little Red Riding Hood which was read in four different languages and supported by traditional Slovene folk and popular music.

A welcoming ceremony was followed by a methodology introduction that school uses as a self-quality progress evaluation called Learning walks. Moreover, after the theoretical part all the participants had a chance to experience how do learning walks work. Three representative lessons were observed as examples of learner centred approach development. An art lesson with year one which took place outside, a Slovene lesson in year five where the use of Microsoft One Note was shown and a Chemistry lesson where problem based learning and peer learning were used.

Furthermore, the participants witnessed how the teachers are given a so-called feedforward when their classes are being evaluated and they were a part of the evaluation process as well.

Partners also took time to evaluate project activities so far and to plan further steps of the project development. The focus was mainly on the LCA Guidelines for Primary Schools led by Primary School Dobje, the upcoming international conference in Lithuania and all the technical part of the project all partners need to be acquainted with.

As hosts we were happy to read partners thought our meeting was ‘lots of inspiration, food for thought, joy and fun.



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